
Be the Voice for our Members

To effectively support an enduring industry, the Association has three clear areas of focus:

Communication. Utilising digital platforms to provide growers, members and the industry with the tools to  support decision-making as well as the ability to engage with peers, businesses and leaders in their respective sectors.

Engagement. Monthly e-newsletters, website resources and networking events to optimise the availability of knowledge to members and horticulture networks.

Education. Supporting industry collaboration with education providers to encourage the uptake of horticulture qualifications with tertiary providers.  In order to inspire the next generation of horticulture leaders,  on-going focus is required in this area to raise the profile, understanding and perception of horticulture and horticultural careers.

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Advocate For Our Members

We work for our members to lobby and protect the longevity of Hawke's Bay as a fruit-growing region.


Support Our Members

Our aim is to support and drive awareness of career opportunities in horticulture.


Be The Voice For Our Members

To promote the fruit-growing industry through effective marketing