Level 3 & 4 Fruit Production Apprenticeship
We are slap bang in the middle of Autumn and we hope you all had a good harvest and see the end in sight.
As the harvest rumbles to a close the EIT timetable starts up again to welcome back the EIT students.
We start the 2024 apprenticeship programme in May with year 1 operation skills such as; tractors, chainsaws and fruit support structure development. The soil classes for 2nd year students and the final “complying with market needs” class for the 3rd year students.
It’s going to be great to show the properties of soils and how they help us produce a quality crop; have a good debrief on the challenges of harvest and how important it is to understand the market needs.
We have student groups ready to go, but are more than happy to welcome individuals that want to extend their learning to help or progress their career. If you would like to start or want to put any individuals forward for study the Apprenticeship this year; please contact Clare Buckner on 021986396 or cbuckner@eit.ac.nz.
Level 5 Fruit Production & Post Harvest Diploma
We will welcome back the Fruit Production Diploma students and work through the data that has been collected for their research project. It will be really interesting to see the direction the projects will take.
These programmes are flexible, so we welcome any new students who want to gain a professional development qualification and develop their skills and critical thinking to enable them to move into management roles.
Managers of blocks who recognise individuals who they want to see progress in the industry should encourage these wee stars to talk to EIT about the program.
The next subject starts in May, so please contact Chris Thorman on 021468802 or cthorman@eit.ac.nz for further information.
The industry backed Post Harvest Diploma kicks off again in July.
Yesterday I visited one of our current students who has recently been promoted to the production manager role. He said he would never have had the confidence to tackle such a role if he had not signed up for the Post Harvest program. It was great to hear the hard work he has put in to his own professional development had increased his confidence and all round knowledge of the industry and help him full fill his dreams and aspirations.
So often I hear; “we just cannot get the people we need”. This program develops your junior managers. It is up to the industry leaders to shoulder tap your potential future leaders and encourage and support them to engage with personal development and support and grow your own talent.
The next Cohort starts in July so please contact Chris Thorman on 021468802 or cthorman@eit.ac.nz for further information.
This season has brought up some challenges from last year’s events, but we are moving forward in the right direction. We hope to help in continuing to support the industry in this progress.
All the Best
Steven, Clare and Chris