
Setup for success this spray season

Posted By HBFA | August 16, 2022

As we start to get our first sprays on for the new season it’s a great time to check your spraying system’s are setup for success.

Take some time now to make sure your Spray Plan is up to date. Talk with your spray team to make sure they are aware of sensitive areas around the orchard and how those areas need to be managed differently to reduce the risk.

Set your sprayer up for success. Make sure your sprayer is set up to hit the target. Has your sprayer been calibrated and serviced this season, do you have the right nozzling and do your operators know how to adjust setup and speed for different canopies to get the best coverage. It’s a great idea to get the spray team to check coverage with water sensitive papers throughout the season as the canopy changes.

Have systems in place that make it easy for staff to get things right. Things like spray round checklists, daily maintenance checklists and clean up checklists help prevent mistakes and keep equipment working at a high standard. Take time to make sure your team are trained up and understand both the equipment and how to keep themselves safe during spraying this season.

It was awesome to see such a fantastic turn out to the NZAPI ‘Skill Up for Spraying’ training day in Hawkes Bay last week. Hopefully those that came along got some great tips and tricks to ensure they have a safe and successful spray season.

All the best for the coming season, and remember we are here to help, just give us a call.


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