
RMA Update, September 2022

Posted By HBFA | September 15, 2022

I am pleased to finally be able to advise that the TANK Plan Change decision was issued on Friday (9th September). As it is a big decision we are still working through it and figuring out what it means for growers, but please look out for emails in the coming weeks that provide you with more information about what it says.

There is also still time to let the Council know what is important to you about the environment in Hawke’s Bay, and what do you want to see to make the environment better, which is information they will use to inform their thinking about the Kotahi Plan Change. There is an online tool that you can use to do this, which you will find here.

The council is also running some drop-in sessions –there is one at the Waimarama Community Hall on Tuesday 20 September 2022 from 4-6pm, and there is also one at the Havelock North Function Centre on Thursday 22 September from 4-6pm It is really important that we highlight the importance of a healthy environment that can support food production, so if you do have a few minutes I would encourage you to provide some feedback to council in whichever way you feel most comfortable. If you are interested in reading more, there is plenty of information available on the Council website.

As always, if you have any resource management questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me on Charlotte.Drury@hortnz.co.nz or 027 3225595

As always, if you have any RMA questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly via email at Charlotte.Drury@hortnz.co.nz or on 027 3225595.


Dr Charlotte Drury,

View Consult, Consultant Planner on behalf of Horticulture New Zealand

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