National Updates
As advised last month, HortNZ is/has lodged submissions on changes to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, the Resource Management (National Environmental Standards for Freshwater) Regulations, as well as an exposure draft of the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity. Submissions closed on 10 July for the freshwater stuff, and on 21 July for the NPSIB. The Ministry for the Environment will consider all the submissions, and then provide advice to the Minister for the Environment about whether to make the proposed changes, and exactly what those changes should be. There isn’t a set timeframe around this.
Hawke’s Bay Updates
TANK – We are still waiting on this decision. We understand it is now going to be released at the end of August (2022).
Central Hawke’s Bay District Plan Hearings – These hearings are continuing, and will do so for several more months. At this stage decisions are expected in early 2023.
Kotahi (whole of region plan change) – The Council has started work on Kotahi which is a region wide plan change. They are just starting to engage with the community, and there is an opportunity to provide feedback through the regional council website. There is some information available here about what the plan will include. HortNZ has already had a meeting with the council to indicate we are keen to work with the council where we can, and further down the track (probably mid-late next year) we will be organising grower meetings to make sure that you are all kept up to date with what the proposed planning framework is, and to provide you with opportunity to give us feedback about it. However, please don’t wait until then though if you have any burning issues you want to talk about – feel free to give me a call at any time.
Water Conservation Order (WCO) – Still awaiting the decision.
Plan Change 7, Outstanding Water Bodies – This is still in mediation, and we have a further mediation meeting on Friday 15 July.
If you have any RMA questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me directly via email at Charlotte.Drury@hortnz.co.nz or on 027 3225595.
Dr Charlotte Drury,
View Consult, Consultant Planner on behalf of Horticulture New Zealand