
TANK Submissions Extended

Posted By HBFA | June 14, 2020

Submissions for the TANK Plan Change have been extended to Friday 14 August 2020.

A series of zoom meetings will be held in the two weeks, each meeting focusing on a different part of the TANK Plan. These meetings will be an opportunity for Regional Council staff to present what the TANK Plan says about each topic and to answer your questions.

There will be four sessions:

Please note that all sessions will be recorded and may be shared with anyone who is unable to attend the meeting.  Please head to our website to read the TANK Plan and start making your submission using our online form.

We would appreciate you sending any questions about the TANK Plan in advance to make sure that our presentation content is relevant to you and your members. Please send your questions to eTANK@hbrc.govt.nz.

A grower meeting will also be held at the Twyford School Hall, 7pm on Monday 22 June 2020. It is an opportunity for growers to ask questions and provide feedback about the proposed plan, and provide a forum for discussion, so that we can ensure that HortNZ’s submission reflects the views of growers as best we can.

For more information about the plan change is available on the regional council website.

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