
President’s Report, July update

Posted By HBFA | July 19, 2024

Presidents Report

July has come around very fast, and we only have 10 or so days to go until August. This growing season looks like it’s tracking early because of early winter chilling days. I’m already seeing yellow daffodils out and about this last week.  Everyone will be in the middle of pruning albeit with a lot of stop / starts due to the rain we are experiencing.

I’m looking forward to the NZAPI conference in 10 days’ time and hope to see many of our growers there. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Lesley Wilson on being confirmed as the chair of API and to Karen Morrish who has accepted the permanent role of CEO. HBFA are based within the API building, and we have an excellent relationship with Karen and all the staff. I would also like to encourage our growers to attend the RSE / Horticulture NZ Conference 28 – 30 August. Registrations are still open so please check it out on-line as there are some excellent speakers and topics that will be covered. This will take you to their website for information. https://www.hortnz.co.nz/news-events-and-media/events/

I am aware things aren’t easy for many of our growers. We are in tough times – costs have skyrocketed in every arena and most of us are still waiting to how see how this year’s prices will pan out. One thing I know is that touch times don’t last forever, and better times are coming but, in the meantime, I encourage our growers to get the support they need around them and stay involved and connected with other growers. HBFA overseas the affairs of HAG (Horticulture Advisory Group) and is chaired by Callum. Funding that was applied for is allowing us to host some exciting events that will be coming up over the next few months. The intention of our events is to bring growers together, get them out of the field, pack shed or office to connect with each other and have some fun. There is also a well-being thread involved with guest speakers set to talk on relative subjects. (More info on these events are in Callum’s Report)

HBFA has set the date of the 19th of September for our 2024 AGM – 7pm at Toi Toi, Everyone is welcome so please put these dates in your diaries.

Thank you to all our members for your on-going support of our association.

Kia Kaha

Brydon Nisbet – President HBFA

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