MPI visits
We are fielding a number of calls from members with questions or concerns arising from the MPI educational visits. These have been put to MPI today.
Once we have answers available, we will include them in our daily email and post them to the FAQ document on our website.
Thanks for your patience as we work through these with MPI.
MPI Registration
A reminder that if you haven’t done so yet, please complete your MPI registration asap. The site is still open and accepting registrations so please get this done asap. For registration, please refer to the guidance document.
Click here to access registration
Remember, if you have 6 or more people at your site at any one time, whether they are the owner, employees or contract staff, you must register. You must be able to demonstrate that you have social distance and hygiene practices to protect everyone on your site; not just your staff. If you are unsure please contact us.
Reassurance and safety of workers
Now, more than ever, it is vital to provide leadership and reassurance to staff and other workers in your businesses. Many are questioning their safety and wondering why they continue to work.
As businesses are scrambling to put safety measures in place it is important to talk to all of your staff, to understand their concerns, and to find solutions together to make sure that everyone feels safe being in the workplace. Click to read more
MBIE Accommodation Guidelines
Accommodation providers for essential services have to ensure isolation of workers at their accommodation site for each employer their guests travel to each day. Below is a link to the MBIE guidelines for those accommodation providers.
As part of essential industry registration with MPI, employers have to have systems in place to ensure that their accommodation providers are actively maintaining isolation of their workers.
For both accommodation providers and employers to meet each other’s Government requirements, accommodation providers should be able to provide employers with a documented system on how they are keeping workers isolated. Employers also need to provide accommodation providers a documented system on how they are keeping those workers isolated at work.
Travel to and from work and accommodation may be the responsibility of either the employer, accommodation provider, the worker, or a combination.
NZAPI is expecting to provide more advice on this in the coming days. Click for a copy of the MBIE Accommodation Guidelines.
NZ PPE Supply of Masks and Sanitiser
Horticulture NZ has been approached by a supplier of masks and sanitiser. They have limited quantities available as follows:
1. Sanitiser – 1 x carton = 12 litres @ $219.00 + GST per carton. Courier $17-$30 depending on area.
2. Surgical masks – 50 units per pack, @ $78 + GST per pack. Courier $15-$20. (Carton size = 2,000 units)
Until supply increases masks will be sold in packs; not cartons. Sanitiser can be sold in carton volumes.
All ex Auckland.
Please contact Antony Heywood at Horticulture NZ antony.heywood@hortnz.co.nz
As there is limited supply, Antony will work with the supplier to ensure masks get to where they need to go in an equitable manner.
D-19 anti-transmission measures must be in place (such as the 2m distancing rule), and all deliveries must be done without any individual contact.
Door-to-door, local fruit and vegetable box deliveries
MBIE has advised that door-to-door, local fruit and vegetable box deliveries are allowed to go ahead, but all safe food handling and COVIOrders must be made by telephone or online, and must be paid for online so that there is no handling of cash. Deliveries must be left at the door so that there is no physical contact.
Independent fruit and vegetable outlets must remain closed to the public, as they do not meet MBIE’s essential service criteria as set out on MBIE’s website.
This document was updated at 8:30pm, 28.3.2020.