
Training Sector Update

Posted By HBFA | October 19, 2021

Clare and Gordon are completing a round of on job visits, with reminders that EIT work still needs to be done in these difficult times. We have been very flexible with due dates, but there are deadlines such as the Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers’ Association Industry Awards Night on the 27 January that need to be met. By good management, most of the trainees are on target to finish their work and graduate with Level 3 and 4 certificates.

Additionally, HBFA have a number of scholarships that have recently opened, for  those who are on target to finish. I encourage all trainees to apply for scholarships because they might as well get some financial reward for their work as well as the honour of earning a certificate. To apply online visit here. Applications must be submitted by 5pm, 30 November.

In our visits we have been very pleased with the support being given to the trainees with in work time to complete assessments and of course the work of the trainer to sign off the attestations.

The Year 1 trainees almost completed all their classes at EIT and it is just a matter of getting the final attestations signed for the practical work. We are very pleased with how this cohort are progressing. This is a large cohort but can be added to for next year for those in the industry with experience or have done the on job variation of the Certificate in Primary Industries Operational Skills qualification.

Year 2 trainees have a number of assessments on the go, with snap that weed project, weather and propagation all nearing completion. These assessments have been the main topics of discussion in my visits. We have even run some extra classes to help those who have struggled or missed class through work commitments. The next class is on the evening of the 21st of October.

 Year 3 trainees result sheets look good and most trainers are pleasantly surprised, as there are very good marks being achieved by those who are prepared to go the extra mile. The Advanced Botany assessment is due and the first two parts of the soil assessment can be completed. The next class is on the 29th of October.

The Fruit Production Diploma students are beavering away with the relatively large amounts of work required these assessments. As most of these students are some positions of responsibility they are time poor and once again we have undertaken to be as flexible as possible with due dates providing we can see some progress. All the tutors, Brian, Chris and Gordon have offered their time outside of class to help and guide. They just need to ask.

Erin Simpson, Capability Manager for NZAPI has been proactive in organising a meeting for next week with interested parties to look at a unified delivery of the qualification across the country. This meeting has exciting possibilities.

As always if you have any queries or concerns, please get in touch with EIT Tutor Gordon Reid  greid@eit.ac.nz , 06 8301851 or 027 3940410.

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