Seasons Greetings to you All
A few brief RMA updates this month – TANK proceedings, the WCO, RMA changes, Kotahi
TANK proceedings
The regional council is working to understand the willingness of all appellants to participate in mediation. Once they know that, they will propose a timetable to the Court. At best, there could be mediation in the first quarter of 2023, however that is possibly optimistic
The Hawke’s Bay Regional Council have appealed the interim recommendation of the Environment Court (which recommends granting an order on the Upper and Lower River). HortNZ has become an interested party to this appeal, as we support HBRC’s position.
Changes to the RMA
HortNZ will be preparing a submission on the National and Built Environments Act, and the Spatial Planning Act. Submissions close on 5 February 2023. If anyone is interested in understanding more on this (perhaps if you are having trouble sleeping!) visit the MfE website: Resource management system reform | Ministry for the Environment
The first meeting of the technical advisory group was on Thursday 15 December. HB Fruitgrowers, HB Vege Growers, Apples and Pears and HortNZ all had representatives at the meeting, as well as other primary sector businesses such as Heinz Watties which is great as it ensures that the horticulture sector is represented by multiple voices at the table. The first meeting was an introduction to the plan and what it is going to cover but it would be fair to say the work programme is ambitious. We will be seeking input from you as growers on subjects that really matter to you, such as possible changes to the outdoor burning rules. More information is available here: The Kotahi Plan | Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (hbrc.govt.nz)
I hope everyone has a safe festive season and has the opportunity to spend some time relaxing with loved ones.
Any questions, please get in touch – Charlotte Drury, charlotte@viewconsult.co.nz 027 3225595. There is a lot going on at the moment so if you think I may be able to help, please do ask.