Please see below for some brief updates about burning cyclone mixed waste, Hastings District Council building consents for categorised land, Heretaunga Plains Water Permits, and notification of the proposed Napier District Plan.
Burning cyclone mixed waste
The Order in Council only allows the burning of mixed waste to happen until 1 November 2023 (2 weeks away!), so if you still need to do it, get on and do it as soon as the conditions are suitable.
You can check here to see if the conditions will be ok Can I light a fire? | Fire and Emergency New Zealand (checkitsalright.nz) and remember that you need to separate as much prohibited waste as possible before you burn, and draft a Fire Management Plan at least 2 days before a fire is lit – do that here HBRC Fire Management Plan: Plan Contents – Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (datacomsphere.co.nz)
Hastings District Council building consents for categorised land
In terms of building consents for categorised land, HDC have advised that applications for buildings in Category 1 will be processed more or less as per normal. Applications for work on Category 2C and 2P land will need a more involved assessment in relation to the natural hazard; and it will be very difficult to get building consent in Category 3.
There is still a lot of work to do to identify potential flood protection options for land in Category 2A so at this stage people are being advised to wait before lodging any buildings consents in those areas, as they will not be able to be progressed until more is known.
HDC is encouraging anyone within Categories 2 or 3 to met with them before they lodge a building consent application. To arrange a meeting call HDC on (06) 871 5000 and ask to talk to someone in the Building Recovery Team , or email buildingrecovery@hdc.govt.nz
Heretaunga Plains Water Permits
Any of you who have replacement water permits lodged within the regional council that are within the TANK catchments (Tutaekuri, Ahuriri, Ngaruroro and Karamu) should have received a letter asking for a further time extension, and telling you that you will receive another letter soon that outlines what the regional council understands is your ‘actual and reasonable’ water use, which is likely to be the volume that you get on your replacement water permit. To help you understand what actual and reasonable use is, and what this may mean for you, we have drafted the attached information, which also includes some examples.
Notification of the proposed Napier District Plan
An updated Napier District Plan has been notified for public consultation. Horticulture NZ is reviewing it and will likely prepare a submission. If you have any matters that you would like to raise, please get in touch with Leanne Roberts leanne.roberts@hortnz.co.nz. You can see the proposed plan here: Home – Napier City Proposed District Plan (isoplan.co.nz)
Any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch on 027 3225595, or via email Charlotte.Drury@hortnz.co.nz