
Outdoor Burning on Orchards

Posted By HBFA | May 22, 2020

During 1 May to 31 August each year, specific burning rules apply to orchard properties both within and outside the Napier and Hastings Airsheds.

Some local Councillors are very keen to ban all open fires on orchards so it is critical that the industry adheres to good practices, if we want to retain our current privileges as an industry.

There are a number of alternatives to burning currently being used for orchard redevelopment, for example large commercial wood chippers  and mulching.

Hawke’s Bay Fruit Growers’ Association is working closely with Council and other stakeholder groups to help review current best practice guidelines for this winter.

In the meantime please follow these basic rules:


The current guidelines for orchardists can be found on this Burning Information Sheet  and Quick Facts- what and when to burn

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