Hopefully by now all your fruit is in a bin and you can enjoy a bit of time off to recharge and decompress from the season.
Our classes are now underway, and you will notice changes in the timetable as we have tried to structure courses in a way that they can be more easily completed by our students, with one course concluding before another begins. We also are covering more courses over Autumn and Winter so the majority of assessment is underway before spraying starts. We have updated timetables to be circulated, and if you have any questions about this please contact us direct. There will be some more room changes as we have just been informed EIT will be closed until the end of the year.
The teaching starts again for the level 5 fruit production with Horticultural Business skills on a Wednesday. Delivery has been moved to the Hastings campus. Anyone wishing to sign up still has time. Contact Cthorman@eit.ac.nz
The Post Harvest students are working to complete their assessments. These all have to be in by the end of June.
The 2023 Post Harvest program will be starting again in July, anyone interested in discussing the program please contact Chris Thorman at cthorman@eit.ac.nz
Noho ora mai