
Management Update – March

Posted By HBFA | March 20, 2023

I tried to draw a diagram the other day to capture the different organisations and agencies involved in our region’s recovery efforts. I nearly ran out of room on the A4 page I was using – there are so many moving parts (and acronyms).

One of the key roles for HBFA through this recovery process is to understand the issues our members are confronting and to advocate for you across all the different stakeholders on that crazy diagram. For us to be effective in representing you, we need you to share your information/issues/concerns – please don’t be afraid to contact me directly with anything you would like us to focus on (of if you’d just like to vent!).

Another key area for us will continue to be fostering a sense of community and wellbeing. As Brydon mentioned, the road ahead will be easier if you share the load. Over the coming weeks and months, we plan to organise a number of informal events to bring people together and encourage you all to get involved. We do however realise that social gatherings are not for everyone, and some people may prefer to reach out more directly for someone to chat to. If you or anyone you know is feeling overwhelmed and would like to speak to someone please don’t hesitate to contact the Rural Support Trust on 0800 787 524. Please also remember that The Association has engaged Wanda Douglas to provide free and confidential psychological support to our members and their families. Wanda is a Registered Psychologist with the NZ Psychologists’ Board. She is based locally in Taradale and can be contacted on 021 1700 506.

We continue to pursue support for our Industry Recovery Fund which has now exceeded $100K thanks to generous contributions from across the industry and the general population. The fund is already financing our wellbeing initiatives and is also being used to support technical advice for impacted growers. If you have any questions about the fund and or its distribution, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Alongside financial support we have also received numerous messages of encouragement for those of you who have been impacted. You can read these here https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/our-growers-need-your-support.

Take care and keep in touch,


027 233 9900

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