Its been a busy few weeks, with the Young Fruitgrower competition as well as the HBFA Industry Awards Night, both opportunities to celebrate our success stories, and see future leaders of our industry starting to step up. Our warmest congratulations to all involved.
Our first year students are stepping through practicals this month, with fruit support structures almost finished and chainsaws about to start. These classes are small groups, so each student gets plenty of close supervision. They should be asking managers to let them practice these skills. Our level three students should have completed the harvest criteria and botany/pruning assessment, and be working on their weeds and soils. Level fours should have handed in complying with market needs, their HR should be almost done, and pruning also well in hand. It is crucial students keep on top of assessment work at this time of year, and please be pro-active in nudging them along. We are doing our best to visit everyone to make sure you know your obligations, as well as giving you an opportunity to hear direct from us how your student is getting on.
Our Diploma students are coming to the end of Leadership and will be starting Crop Protection in the last week of June. The Post Harvest Diploma has a new intake starting at the end of July so please start discussing this with your staff. Any questions about either Diploma should be directed to Chris, cthorman@eit.ac.nz .
We have recently sent out a short survey monkey for feedback – if you have not seen this please email Clare cbuckner@eit.ac.nz for the link, we really appreciate your comments.