PRESS RELEASE – dated 17 August 2023
A first of its kind research programme will explore the incredible work supporting young New Zealanders transitioning from secondary school, to reach their fulfilled career potential.
Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence has engaged Skills Group to evaluate pathways and transitions between secondary schools and the food and fibre sector. Going beyond the attraction and retention of young people, the research project has a wide scope and will be conducted in multiple stages.
Taking a broad and future-focused lens of the secondary-tertiary-employment interface, the evaluation will include: careers advice and guidance; how well educators and employers are enabled to support programmes; and pathways and transitions that create an effective ecosystem between the world of education and the world of work.
This pivotal project reunites education experts Arthur Graves and Josh Williams, respectively the Ministry of Education’s previous implementation and policy leads for the Youth Guarantee rollout of secondary tertiary initiatives between 2010 and 2014.
Josh Williams, Head of Vocational Consulting, Skills Group suggested the transition could be made with policy settings that support and enable a more seamless ecosystem between education and employment.
“The work on Youth Guarantee and Vocational Pathways over 10 years ago delivered some very impactful insights, so I’m looking forward to working with Arthur again on a deep dive into the school transitions space to see how things are playing out in the food and fibre area, and the wider lessons we can take from that as well,” said Josh.
“I am delighted Josh and I have the opportunity to team up again at the secondary-tertiary-employment interface. It is a privilege to have this opportunity to revisit a space that was such a career highlight. I look forward to seeing the progress to date and the potential for further enhancements to such an important part of the food and fibre talent pipeline,” said Arthur.
The evaluation phase will involve quantitative and qualitative analysis about the state of play, evidence of what is working well or could be improved, stakeholder perceptions, and learner outcomes from a decade of young people engaging in the range of secondary-tertiary-employment interface initiatives. Arthur and Josh welcome the opportunity to hear what the careers and transition advisors’ community is seeing and thinking as part of the evaluation exercise, and for their participation in the project.
The project will take a comparable look across all learners and sectors. Food and Fibre CoVE expects the findings and insights will have wider application and relevance than just the food and fibre sector.
Food and Fibre CoVE was one of two Centres of Vocational Excellence announced by the Minister of Education in 2020. A key feature of the Reform of Vocational Education, Food and Fibre CoVE works closely with our constituent industries and associated employers, Workforce Development Councils, Regional Skills Leadership Groups, Te Pūkenga and other COVEs.
Funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (initially for 5 years) to support the growth of excellence and innovation in vocational education, Food and Fibre CoVE enables change by uncovering opportunities for improving performance across the food and fibre sector (14 industry groups) through research and insights, and the exploration of lifelong workplace learning.
Food and Fibre CoVE is an initiative of the Food and Fibre Centre of Vocational Excellence Society Incorporated.