Speed Limits Review 2020
Hastings District Council is currently reviewing speed limits, either in their entirety or on sections of 70 roads in our district.
The review is being undertaken after Council reviewed numerous requests from the public to consider further amendments across other routes during previous reviews in 2018 and 2019. As well as these public requests, Council is also reviewing roads identified by the New Zealand Transport Agency where speed reductions could make a big difference in preventing deaths and serious injuries. The review also seeks to align Hastings with neighbouring councils’ speed limit change proposals, and account for road and land usage changes due to development.
Under National guidelines, new limits will be either 60, 80 or 100kph.
Information on the proposed changes can be found at My Voice, My Choice .
Submissions close 12.00pm, Tuesday 14th September 2020. The Association will be making a submission so please email any feedback, comments or thoughts on the changes to executiveofficer@hbfa.co.nz
Industry Awards & Graduation Ceremony 2021
We are currently calling for nominations for the Joe Bell Trophy for Services to the Industry and the Fourneau Award for Innovation. Presented at the Industry Awards Night in January, the awards acknowledges individuals, who at a regional level, have made outstanding contributions to the industry and innovation.
Please email executiveofficer@hbfa.co.nz for more information on the awards and nomination forms.