In accordance with Clause 11, of the rules of the Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers’ Association Incorporated, the executive committee shall consist of a President, Vice President and up to nine committee persons. Any elections to fill these vacancies shall be held at the Annual General Meeting.
Following the resignation of Graham Hodges, the Vice President seat has been left vacant. We are delighted to advise that Tom Dames has been nominated for this position.
This year we are seeking to fill two seats on the executive committee. One of these has been vacated by Tom Dames who was due for rotation, and the other currently belongs to Shane Flynn (Kiwi Crunch) who retires by rotation and has been nominated for re-election.
Additional nominations for the executive committee have been received from Lyssa Jones (Craigmore) and Fulton Gillies (Bostocks). As the number of nominations exceeds the seats available a ballot will be held at the September 20 AGM. All nominees will be asked to introduce themselves to members prior to the conclusion of voting.