
EIT July update

Posted By HBFA | July 18, 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa,

Its great to have busy classes back at EIT – the Level 4s are suddenly half way through their study, after a busy month.  We expect their first three course assessments to be completed by the end of this month – if they are not, we will be contacting managers to discuss whether students should  start new courses this year.  

We have a large, mixed group of Level 3s: some started in August last year and will be finished by the end of this September, others didn’t start until after harvest.  They have completed the pruning and growing environment courses already, and move on to block development over the next month, with a two day workshop for propagation and block layout.  Attendance and participation has been really great from this diverse group, and we hope many will continue to Level 4 next year.

Certificate in Primary Industry Operational Skills students that started in January will be completed by the end of july, and there is the option to start straight into Level 3 fruit production with propagation as mentioned above.  We have two other groups starting this year for this introductory course.

The level 5 fruit production students have completed the Leadership and relationship management course and will be starting their level 5 crop protection course in July.  On the 28th of August they will present their research topic and we are encouraging the students managers to come along and support their staff. We will send you details nearer the time.

The level 5 Post Harvest program starts at the end of July. Anyone interested in joining this program should contact Chris Thorman at cthorman@eit.ac.nz for more details.  Chris is happy to come out to meet anyone interested to talk through the commitment and work load.

Manawatia a Matariki nā

Clare, Chris, Steven and Warren.

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