Below is an update from New Zealand Apple and Pear CEO, Alan Pollard:
I am conscious that, like us, you will all be being overloaded with emails about Covid 19. I am trying to work with other industry groups to better coordinate communications – the current situation is unsatisfactory. The most important message I can give you regarding communications is that the single point of truth for the apple, pear and nashi industry is NZ Apples and Pears; no one else. You should keep abreast of what NZAPI is communicating to you and visit our website regularly for updates. Both the MPI and websites will also provide valuable information for you. We continue to work with government to clarify and refine requirements, help them to better understand our supply chains, and influence decisions.
To be approved as an essential business, you will have to register with MPI.
Businesses can register with MPI here Essential primary sector service registration by end of business FRIDAY 27th MARCH 2020.
NZAPI have developed a Guidance Document to assist with your registration. You will need to choose what you are able to implement and be prepared to be checked by MPI.
Note that the registration process, and the guidelines document, refer to social distancing of 2m. We appreciate that this does conflict with MoH and WHO guidelines. While we will continue to discuss this with MPI, at this time 2m is the rule and unless you hear otherwise from us, this is the basis upon which you should be preparing.
This is a living document that will be updated as new information is provided. Check the version number with what is available on our website for the most recent update.
For registration you will need to provide your NZBN number which you can find on our registration database under your company details, or this link:
You will also be asked for your Food Act FCP/NP ID. This can be found on the MPI Food Act portal MPI Public Register .
For queries contact or
This document was updated at 9pm, 24.3.2020