Commodity Levy Order: Thank You!
A huge thank you from NZAPI for all the interest, input, feedback, and votes. During the consultation and referendum process it was gratifying to receive lots of positive feedback about the excellent service and support we provide – thank you.
The referendum closed on Friday 3 May and NZAPI received 98% support for a compulsory levy on apples and pears.
An application has been submitted to MPI, which will be reviewed as per the Ministerial timetable (Minister to consider, a new levy order drafted, then approved by cabinet).
Growers will be notified in the NZAPI Weekly Update, and on the NZAPI website, when the new order comes into force (approximately January 2025).
Only ten days left to book at early bird rates for the NZAPI annual conference (special rates end Friday 31 May).
This year the conference is right in our backyard! From 29 – 31 July, at Toitoi Hawke’s Bay Arts and Events Centre, Hastings.
The theme – Reset, Growth, Ambition – reflects the challenges and opportunities facing the apples and pears industry, and the sector’s ongoing commitment to building a more sustainable, productive, and inclusive food sector.
Don’t miss the valuable networking and opportunities to share information with industry colleagues, friends, and suppliers.
Check out the NZAPI website for more information – we look forward to seeing you there.