
Chief Executive – July update

Posted By HBFA | July 18, 2024

Explore, Grow & Thrive – It’s a chilly July!

As we move through July and look ahead to the challenges of 2025, it’s essential to stay informed, prepared, and resilient. The phrase “survive until 2025” resonates deeply, emphasizing the need for innovative thinking and agile readiness to meet upcoming challenges. The relentless and often unsustainable costs and the need for effective solutions add strain to an already pressured industry. Adapting to economic shifts has always been a hallmark of our growers, but finding balance in an ever-changing world remains a constant challenge. Let’s navigate the path to 2025 together, equipped with innovative solutions and ready to face whatever comes our way. We have some great events coming up for Wellbeing and Technical, sponsored by HAG (Horticulture Advisory Group) including a new Cyclone relief fund for growers. For more information on these events keep reading!

Explore – Water allocation concerns in Hawke’s Bay 

Hawke’s Bay growers are urging the Regional Council to pause the implementation of the TANK water plan while mediation is ongoing. Despite being in official mediation with 16 appellants, the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council has issued new water allocations under TANK guidelines, which growers argue are based on unbalanced interpretations of “actual and reasonable” volume calculations.

With mediation expected to run until the end of 2024, HBFA and NZAPI have expressed frustration over the Council’s decision to move forward with new allocations. We are calling for a halt to the plan’s implementation until mediation concludes.

Growers are not against managing the region’s water supply effectively but feel disregarded by the Council’s actions during this challenging period, which includes the aftermath of Covid and Cyclone Gabrielle. Hawke’s Bay is critical to New Zealand’s apple production, accounting for 60% of the nation’s output. Decisions impacting this industry have significant long-term implications for the region’s economy and the broader Pacific area.

We have recently created a toolkit designed to use grower voice to reinforce their role within the HB community, their care for the people, community and environment, and support the collective call from HortNZ, NZAPI and HBFA to halt the allocations of TANK water rollouts. For more on key messages and contacts email manager@hbfa.co.nz.

Grow – Supporting Horticulture Education

We train people to do tasks; we educate them so they understand why. Despite the tough times in the horticultural sector, with challenges like Covid, a cyclone, and economic headwinds, the staff at EIT have continued to deliver essential training and education programs for our horticultural employees. These programs are crucial for both new entrants and those upskilling in the industry. The HBFG’s awards night celebrates the achievements of young people and underscores the importance of continuous education, which is vital for advancing our industry. As Henry Ford wisely noted, “The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay.”

During tough times, professional development budgets often get squeezed, but investing in education is essential for nurturing future industry leaders. Without proper training, we risk losing potential talent and facing a shortage of qualified people. Supporting the aspirations of our young workforce through education ensures they understand the importance of their roles and are prepared to innovate and lead our businesses in the future.

EIT’s tutors and staff have consistently supported our industry’s educational needs. However, financial constraints and declining student numbers put these vital programs at risk. It’s crucial for the industry to recognize the value of EIT’s programs, which provide comprehensive, industry-wide education rather than company-specific training.

The decline in student enrolment in the Level 5 Post Harvest and Fruit Production programs threatens their sustainability. These programs have produced over 30 graduates in the past five years, many of whom continue to contribute significantly to the industry. With no new students currently signed up for the upcoming Post Harvest Level 5 course starting in July, the situation is dire.

We must actively support these programs to ensure they continue to develop the future stars of our industry. If anyone is interested, EIT staff are available to visit sites and discuss the commitment required for interested employees. Let’s not take these valuable educational resources for granted.

Thrive – HAG Post Cyclone Gabrielle Recovery Fund!

The HAG (Horticulture Advisory Group) is seeking applications from Hawkes Bay growers effected by Cyclone Gabrielle for a new recovery fund!

We are aware that post Cyclone Gabrielle has impacted people in different ways and to assist us in refining how we deliver this fund, we would like to better understand your individual circumstances, specifically the needs where expert advice has been required to re-build reliance infrastructure, land use and plant variety. If you would like to apply we require you to answer the questions in our application (link below).

The applications and insights provided will also assist us in understanding the Post Cyclone impact on growers. We will individually assess each applicant that meet the criteria outlined in the form. Please click here to apply today!

If you have any questions in relation to this fund, or would like to access support, please contact us on manager@hbfa.co.nz

Mental Health and Resilience:

We are thrilled to announce an event series sponsored by HAG, in partnership with HBFA and Core partners, featuring the renowned speaker Elen Nathan. Elen Nathan is a Sensory Integration Occupational Therapist, founder, and director of The Playful Place – a neuro-diverse affirming paediatric practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. Elen is a passionate therapist whose practice centers around building and protecting young persons’ self-esteem and the whole family’s well-being. We have a limited number of tickets available for our Grower family. Please see the event details below:

Event One: Is it Sensory or Is it behaviour?

Date: August 8th

Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Venue: Taradale Town Hall

Join us for a workshop series with Elen Nathan, Occupational Therapist and Sensory Integration specialist! Wondering about the connection between sensory and behavior? Discover the nine sensory systems and their role in self-regulation, emotions, and behavior. This session is perfect for understanding what self-regulation is and why some children find everyday tasks more difficult.

Event Two: Connecting with Kids Through LEGO

Date: September 19th

Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Venue: Taradale Town Hall

Building emotional resilience, self-esteem, social skills, and strong family relationships has become harder in this busy, fast-paced world. Anxiety, big feelings, and technology-fueled stressors are impacting our kids’ development and resilience. Join Elen Nathan, Pediatric Occupational Therapist, to learn what the latest neuroscience tells us about emotional regulation development, and ways to use your child’s love of LEGO to support the development of these skills at home. This hands-on workshop includes building with LEGO throughout the evening as we learn and build together – no building skills required! Each ticket holder will receive a complimentary LEGO set. Please note that ticket numbers for this event are extremely limited. For further information on these events, please visit www.healhb.co.nz.

To reserve your ticket for one of these events, please fill out the form below. We will get in touch with you shortly to confirm your attendance. RSVP here

Reach out for support:

If you or someone you know is struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out. Contact me, Callum Ross, at HBFA, or directly connect with Wanda Douglas at 021 1700 506 or wandspsychology@gmail.com. Remember, seeking help is a sign of strength, and we’re here to support each other.

Warm regards,

Callum Ross

Chief Executive Officer & Chairman HAG (Horticulture Advisory Group)

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