President’s Report, November update

Posted By HBFA | November 21, 2024

Presidents Report

The season to date continues to shape up nicely – Lots of activities happening on orchard with thinning well underway. Our overseas work force have started arriving with more coming in February ready for harvest time. On that note it was extremely unfortunate that a bus carrying 30 Tongan employees rolled while travelling from Auckland down to HB. We trust that everyone involved is now doing well and we are thankful there were no fatalities.

Yesterday we held HBFA’s annual fishing trip – what a fantastic day, I’m hearing there were plenty of fish caught. The boat I was on caught the 1st, 2nd ,3rd and 5th biggest kingfish (not by me) well done to the team on Stampede and to everyone who collected prizes. A big thankyou to all our sponsors and anglers who continue to support this great event. Thank you Bex, our fishing committee and all those involved in making this a special day in HBFA’s Calander.

The Hawke’s Bay Fruit Growers Association is 125 years old this year. 1899 – 2024. HBFA celebrated this a couple of weeks ago at Pask Winery. Around 75 invited guests came to celebrate this prestigious occasion. Both Mayor Sandra Hazelhurst and HORTNZ president and Chair addressed the attendees. Catherine Wedd, Tuki Tuki MP – Lesley Wilson, Chair of NZAPI – Nigel Bickle, CEO Hastings district council also attended. Many past and present executive members, life members and past presidents were amongst the guests. Guest speakers, David Mardon (past president and life member) spoke of his time involved in the Fruit growers John Paynter also spoke about his involvement in the horticulture industry and the heritage of his past family members involvement in HBFA. His grandfather was president and attended the 25th anniversary of HBFA and John himself attended the 75th and 100th anniversary. Leon Stallard also spoke of his time as president and the pioneering of the Young Fruit grower competition that originated here in HB under Leons reign. The orchardist / grower magazine will have an article in the December’s addition. This is a great milestone for HBFA, many district associations no longer exist but we have weathered the storms and remain a strong voice and support to not only our members but to the industry. I feel privileged to be president of HBFA at this special time it it’s history. Next year there will be a book released covering the last 25 years of our industry. This will follow on from the (First 100 years book written) in the earlier2000’s.

There are many reasons our association has remained strong. The willingness of HBFA’s executives both current and who have gone before us in giving of their time, energy, passion and desire to see fruit growing in HB remain successful and prosperous. There is a lot of time and resources that go into helping HBFA function successfully. For a long time now, the association has benefitted from owning three commercial properties down Omahu Rd. Two of the properties were purchased in 1967, and another one purchased in 1984. The rent received from these properties has enabled HBFA to function effectively for our growers. But we are growers and advocates for our members, not commercial property managers. Over the last 18 months / two years we have been in discussion with our tenants about the on-going work needed on these properties. It became very clear to us that the level of work needed to bring these properties up to a required commercial standard was going to be significant and extremely costly to the association. This would have meant borrowing vast sums of money. As flagged at our 2024 AGM in September, HBFA’s executives voted and decided to sell our properties. As of Friday November 8th, we no longer own these properties. We negotiated a private deal with a well-known family to our industry. Please note this decision did not come lightly amongst our team and there was plenty of robust and enquiring conversation held prior to this major decision. HBFA also engaged in professional commercial companies for advice and direction. For the interim the funds have been placed on fixed term interest. It is important to us that we remain prudent with the funds and over the next 12 months we will look at different options for longer term investment possibilities. Our members can be sure that anything we do regarding investment will be in the best interests of everyone and if needed expert advice will be sort in any major decision taken. I know it’s a long way off, but as always, our finances will be transparent and available to read in our financial report at the September 2025 AGM. I’d like to thank all our team members for their work in getting this over the line especially Callum, Tom Dams and Sheryl our accountant.

All our members will be receiving a survey shortly, please take the time to fill this in and give your thoughts. We are here to serve our growers so it’s important we here from you.
Our next event is down for February 3rd, our graduation and awards evening. Keep an eye out for more details.

Kia kaha

Brydon Nisbet

President HBFA


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