
Funding Application Form

Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers’ Association Charitable Trust has funding available annually to support the following list of Charitable Trust objectives:

  • To promote, encourage and foster research in the fields of and relating to fruit growing and to disseminate and make available the results thereof for public use and for the improvement of human knowledge and to generally concern itself in fruit growing research within Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.
  • The promotion and improvement of the standards of training and education in the Hawke’s Bay fruit growing industry.
  • To assist in the education of persons associated with the fruit growing industry in Hawke’s Bay.
  • To promote education in the subject of fruit growing.
  • To establish and support professorships, fellowships, lectureships, scholarships and prizes.
  • To relieve poverty among persons who are or were engaged in activities and employment associated with the Hawke’s Bay fruit growing industry.
  • To promote, encourage and foster education in all matters in, or relating to, the Hawke’s Bay fruit growing industry.
  • To promote, encourage and foster any aspect of the fruit growing industry likely to be of benefit to Hawke’s Bay and whether as a result of increased efficiency, improved productivity, improved product, or better marketing.
  • To assist in the establishment of such organisations or structures as are necessary or desirable to achieve any of the foregoing objectives, and without limitation, grants
  • Contact Person Details

  • Organisation Details

  • Individual Applicant Details

  • Project Funding Details

  • Provide the source name and amount
  • Please provide your Bank account details for scholarship to be direct credited to if a scholarship is granted. e.g. 00–0123-0123456-00
    This authorisation relates to information in this application that the Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers’ Association Charitable Trust may hold about me/us now or in the future. I/we hereby declare that I am/we are authorised to submit this application and that any funds received will be used for the project for which it was approved. I/we authorise the Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers’ Association Charitable Trust to use this information for the purposes of administration of this application. I/We authorise the Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers’ Association Charitable Trust to seek such information as they may require, to complete the consideration of this application. I/We hereby declare that the information provided is correct. I/We acknowledge that any decision made by the Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers’ Association Charitable Trust is final and that no reasons for such decision will be given nor will any correspondence be entered into.

Please note: Any funds granted must be uplifted within 12 months of the original application, or in the case where grant funds are allocated year on year must be uplifted within the Trusts financial year which runs from July to June. The Hawke’s Bay Fruitgrowers’ Association Charitable Trust is not a GST registered organisation.