
$1,500 Prize Pool

Thanks to our sponsor Hurford Parker, teams have the chance to win (collectively):

1st Place: $800 cash
2nd Place: $450 cash
3rd Place: $250 cash

Keep your eyes peeled for when entries are open.

Entry Form

Teams must complete the below form to enter.
Entries Close: 4th June.

Details on the day

1. Teams MUST be at the Ranui Sports Field no later than 2pm, 6th of June for a 3:00pm start.

2. On arrival, the team leader to please register their team at the HBFA gazebo.

3. All team members will be given wristbands. Please ensure ALL team members are familiar with the rules.

Tug Of War Rules

1. Team to consist of eight members including a minimum of two females who must be on the rope, additionally each team may have one coach. Eight wristbands will be issued per team and can not be exchanged with other teams

2. Players are to represent ONE team only.

3. Knock out competition – winning team plays off against other winning teams.

4. No hand over hand pulling allowed. Team members must go back with rope when pulling.

5. No sprigs or spikes to be worn – work boots or trainers only are permitted.

6. Anchorman can loop rope round one shoulder to secure rope. No knots.

7. All team members to remain on their feet at all times.

8. Team coaches are responsible to ensure team members are aware of the rules prior to commencement of competition.

9. No gloves to be worn.

10. A team member is permitted to pull for only one team during a competition.

11. Judge to toss coin to determine direction of pull.

12. Prior to commencement of pull, judge will ask coaches if they are ready, then give the command `take the strain`, when teams are balanced, order to `pull` is given and the tug has commenced.

13. Overall pull to move the ribbon centered on the rope beyond the painted line on either side to determine the winning team.

14. Only coaches can consult with the judge/s.

15. Competition judges decisions are final.

16. All teams enter the competition at their own risk.

17. By signing this form, as form captain you acknowledge that you have read the rules, waiver and release of liability attached. HBFA will not be responsible for any death or injury to participants and/or damage to the participants property arising from the Tug Of War competition.

18. For the purpose of ensuring inclusivity and fairness in participation, all individuals and affiliated entities are required to adhere to the gender policy as stipulated in the “Guiding Principles for the Inclusion of Transgender People in Community Sport.” This document, available via the Sport NZ provides the basis for our organisation’s approach to fostering a welcoming and respectful environment for all participants, regardless of gender identity.